Learn a different language

Kia Ora. This SLJ activity is called “learn a different language”. For this activity we have to watch the New Zealand Sign Language Alphabet video and then we get to play a memory game about Sign Language vowels. My favourite part of this activity was playing the game but it was a bit hard.


Have you ever played memory before?


Here is my memory screen shot:

Summer Graphic Design Project

Kia Ora. This SLJ activity is called “Summer Graphic Design Project”. For this activity we have to design our own Summer post card and I chose my post card to be something about fishing and surfing. So first I drew a wharf and then I drew a fishing man sitting on the wharf. Then I drew a giant wave with a person surfing on a surfboard, next I drew a light-blue sea surface and a dark-blue underworld sea because now you could compare the difference between the surface and the underworlds sea. I also drew a giant sun which stands for hot and the title; “Summer…” The one thing I thought was hard was drawing the giant waves because I want to make a realistic wave of affection.


What is your favourite Summer post card?


Here is my post card:

Sign Language

Kia Ora. This SLJ activity is called Sing Without Sound which is about Sign Languages. Sign Language is a communication language by using hands for people who are deaf. For this activity we have to watch the New Zealand Sign Language Alphabet video and then complete a letter matching activity. My favourite part of this activity was learning different letters in Sign Language but it was a bit hard. This reminds me of when it was sign language week me and my friend were trying to introduce ourselves in sign language.


Have you ever tried Sign Language before?


Here is my Presentation:

Hundertwasser Art

Kia Ora. This SLJ activity is called Hundertwasser Art.  Hundertwasser Art is an art that formed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser which made of different wavy lines, spirals… For this activity we have to make our own Hundertwasser Art using Google draw or pen and paper. I chose to use paper and pens because I thought it would be easier. Also we have to create the art by including 4 techniques that Friedensreich Hundertwasser often uses, lollipop trees, onion domes, raindrops and no straight lines because Friedensreich Hundertwasser felt straight lines were ungodly. My favourite part of this activity was colouring the image with different colours but one thing I thought hard was drawing the lollipop tree’s texture.


Here is my Art:


Rainbow collage

Kia Ora. This SLJ activity is called Rainbow collage. For this activity we have to make a rainbow out of different images of colour textures. For red I found hearts, apples, buttons and Candy. For orange I found basketball, carrots, fishes and oranges, For yellow I found suns, flowers and bananas. For green I found cucumbers, turtles and leaves. For blue I found blueberries, whales and sea-stars. For indigo I found flowers and birds. For violet I find red lettuces and onions. My favourite part of this activity was finding different images and put them into a rainbow.


Have you ever made a rainbow before?


Here is my rainbow:


Tangram Tangles

Kia Ora, This SLJ activity is called Tangram Tangles. Tangram is a puzzle that’s made out of 7 basic shapes, which include two small triangles, a parallelogram, one medium triangle, a square and two large triangles. For this activity we have to use a Tangram builder to build our own image that represents Summer, I chose to make something about sports because I play a lot of sports when it is Summer. I chose a person who is playing basketball because basketball is my favourite sport game, I used the medium triangle as the head, two large triangles as the body, two small triangles as the legs, a parallelogram as the hand and a square as the ball.

I also did something about the colours, I chose light-yellow for the legs which stands for the beach, blue for the body which stands for the sea, yellow for the head which stand for the sun and red for the hand which stand for hot and sport. My favourite part of this was that we get to create anything that’s about summer.


Have you ever used Tangram Tangles before?


Here is a Tangram and my image:


Design your own surfboard

Kia Ora. This SLJ activity is called “Design your own surfboard.” As you read this activity’s title you probably know this activity is about designing your own surfboard. I made a surfboard for 2023 because it is near 2023 (3 days left, yeah!) . One thing I thought was a bit hard was to find an idea of what you’re going to make, but my favourite part of this was making this surfboard by using different shapes, colours and lines.


Have you ever designed your surfboard before?


Here is my surfboard:

Math Middles

Kia Ora. This SLJ activity is called “Math Riddles”. For this activity we have to complete some tricky Math riddle questions, some of the questions are a bit easy for me and some of them are a bit tricky. After I checked the answer there was 1 question that tricked me, ” How many times can you subtract 10 from 50?” The answer is once because if you subtract 10 from 50 then it would be 40, so that’s not long 50. There was another question that I got a bit stuck but finally I figured out was a question about finding rules of some numbers, at last I find some clue from the number that has a 0 in from of it so I had a look upside down of those numbers and find solve pattern.


Have you ever tried any of the maths middles before?


Escape room

Kia Ora Whanau, this summer learning activity is called Escaped room. For this activity we have to escape the room to the beach from answering the questions and solving the hidden code. make our own escape room. We also get to make our own escape room, I made an escape room about music because I like music. One thing I thought had was making our own questions.


Have you ever try an escape room before?


here is my escape room and quiz (click the link):

Escape room

Art for Art Shake

Kia Ora Whanau. This SLJ activity I chose is a SLJ activity called Art for Art Sake and this activity is about Silhouette Art. For this activity we have to sketch or use google drawing or take an image of someone in your family on side view, then we have to colour in the image black and fill in with a white background. One thing I learned from this activity was that the word “Silhouette” traced back to early mid-18th century French, finance minister Etinne de Silhouette. Etinne de Silhouette likes to make this kind of image of him so this art was formed and named after him.


Have you ever tried Silhouette before?


Here is my Silhouette art: