Thank you card

In Te Ngahere this week we have to make a thank you card to Rotary Members, the reason why we had to make one was because that they help us to fix the bridge and we can watch eels safely. For the card first we had to get a piece of paper and draw a picture on it and then we had to use watercolor to paint it and we had to write a thank you message on another piece of paper and glue that onto a piece of paper and then glue our painting onto the front of our paper. I did well on my cursive writing for my message. Have you done a thank you card before?


At the end of last year, the kids in Te Ngahere were making a class mural to show which class we are.
For the mural, each class had different kinds of murals and the murals were related to the class name, like Te Ngahere means The forest and our mural was about the forest. In our mural there are New Zealand native bird on it and also there is New Zealand plant on it. I also made one In Te Maunga, in Te Maunga we had to make a mural about Maunga(mountain). We have to make a art block and paint it, then teacher will glue them into a big board with our hand print.

Have you made a mural before?
Here is our mural


In Te Ngahere we have been doing something from scratch. In scratch first, I made a cricket show with my name if you click my name and there will be a bat game. Also I made a pong game, if you have to move with your mouse and if the paddle touches the ball you will have a point, but if you miss the game will stop. I did well to make my game more fun. Check out my scratch project

Ko Wai AU?

In Te Ngahere last week we’ve been doing a slideshow about yourself which was named “Ko Wai Au?”. In the slideshow we have to ask a question about ourselves and you have to find a picture which relate to that question. Also we can do some research about our parents. After you finished your post you have two choice to show other people, first one is screencastify and other one is explaining. I learned that every one called my dad MR Lin and everyone called my mum Mrs Lin. I did well on my screencastify to talk about myself. Check out my

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